Thursday, November 4, 2010


VoiceThread is another Web 2.0 technology with heaps of potential. This technology allows users to dialogue around single or multiple images, videos, and text.  There are various formats that can be used to as the basis of conversation - PDF's, Word, Excel, Powerpoint files, WAV or mp3 files.  Users can respond and dialogue using microphones, audio files, webcams, or via typing text. Watch the simple VoiceThread below to see an example of how they can be used.

I've created a sample VoiceThread below to suggest how VoiceThreads could be used in our classrooms and schools.  Please note that my sample is not 'picture perfect', but at least you should get the idea as to how it works and how you could possibly use it within your own practice.  So explore and have fun! (of course this won't include laughing at me, right?!?!) 
Need help creating one... please ask - I'd love to help!

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